Italian Proverbs/Proverbi di Italia
  • 'ddo va l'acqu scess pur u mmir (dove va l'acqua, andasse anche il vino = where water is going, wine can go, too). It means that you don't intend to intevene to change the course of the events. you don't care.
  • l guæ d la pign't l sap la cucchijær che ve p jint (i guai della pignatta li conosce il cucchiaio che ci entra = the troubles of the dish (pignatta is a kind of hollow, deep dish) are known only by the spoon, which goes inside (the dish). It means that you got to have an insider view to understand a situation.
  • chi sa fa, chi non sa comanda (= he who knows, does. he who doesn't know, gives orders). This is self explanatory.

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  • alla cas d Ciccil u fioraj: "c fior so chiss?" (a casa di Francesco/ Ciccillo il fioraio [chiedere]: "che fiori sono questi?" = at Francis the florist's home, asking: "what flowers are these?"). It doesn't make much sense (i would ask!) but it is something said when someone asks a stupid question, one with a very obvious answer.
  • cussj'è u cocò, l'ha fatt la pipì. (questo è l'uovo, l'ha fatto la gallina = = this is the egg, the hen has done it). It's an exclamation uttered when someone says something really obvious.

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