
If you don't have the web address of the hotel, you should always try and Google them for best results.

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Bargain accommodation

Depending on your perspective and local economy, the price of accommodation in Italy is generally very favourable. Additionally, it is possible to get bargains on the internet and this page will provide details.

Firstly a few methods and tips from a well-seasoned traveller. It pays to be flexible with your accommodation - it is likely to cost a lot more that your travel (particularly with cheap flights at present). Therefore, try and book offpeak periods, typically anything before June (excepting Easter) and anything after August. School holidays in Italy begin around the beginning of June but this does not usually have much impact on the holiday market.

Sometimes it is far cheaper to book through the hotel's own website rather than using an agency site (such as the ones cited on these pages)!

While I realise that I might be loosing revenue by suggesting this, you might have realised that this site attempts to offer the most honest and best advice (anyway, my Dublin site essentially subsidises this site!).


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